Equality and Human Rights
The Co-operative is committed to ensuring our people and the tenants and residents in our communities do not face discrimination, victimisation, harassment or social exclusion due to any of the following protected characteristics (identified in the Equality Act 2010): age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex or sexual orientation.
The Co-operative’s Equality and Human Rights Policy outlines its commitment to equality and human rights. This policy supersedes any previous policy and updates the previous Equality and Diversity action plan.
This new policy has been renamed and brought up to date with any changes in legislation and is accompanied by and updated Equality and Human Rights action plan. These were approved by the Board in October 2023.
It was developed in collaboration with both staff and board members who worked tirelessly to ensure that we met the needs of all our service users and promoted our commitment to Equalities and Human Rights.
The policy is supported by an action plan which sets out what the Co-operative will do on a day-to-day basis to help ensure that the policy’s objectives are achieved and that the Co-operative can be proactive in its work in equality and diversity. The action plan is as a separate document which is updated and reviewed annually.
The Equality and Human Rights policy can be accessed here: